Friday, October 16, 2009

Your Calling!

It’s no secret that I’ve wanted to throw in the towel and walk away from music ministry. To go back to the safe and secure world of higher education would be no great hardship. But music and ministry are in my very spirit, planted there by the Creator of heaven and earth. Following a God given dream is a true test of faith, sometimes the money is tight, there’s a constant battle between what you should do and what you need to leave in God’s hands. You want to trust Him but ideas are popping, there is an element of fear, you don’t know when or if you’re suppose to leave your “real” job and people you count on can be fickle in their support.

I found myself ready to quit pursuing my dreams four years ago. I was tired of the struggle, the doubt, and the people who professed to be Godly who took advantage. It was all too much. I lost everything during my first years in ministry, my home, car, and many relationships because I made mistakes, was fearful, and did not know how to listen and follow the Lord’s leading. Ready to quit, I shared my heart with the Lord, He responded back to me simply this: Judges, Chapter 6.

Of course I thought it was fluke, my mind making things up! But I opened my Bible to Judges Chapter 6 and found myself confronted with the story of Gideon. It changed my entire life and ministry. In particular verse 14: “Then the Lord replied to him and said, go with the strength you have and rescue Israel from the Midianites. I AM sending you!” The New Living Translation

Needless to say I didn’t quit Music Ministry. Rather, I got serious, in prayer and in the practical. I learned to do all I knew to do and then to stand. To trust that the Lord would lead me, I only need believe and follow. I learned to do what was in my heart, to get started with what I already had in my hand and to trust the provision and correction of the Lord. I found mentors, did research, read a ton of books, talked to a ton of successful people, went to seminars and crafted a strategic plan that caused my ministry to grow and prosper.

It’s been a rough few years, rebuilding my life and the ministry the Lord has charged me with. As I travel I meet people who share with me that they have a calling on their lives as well, that there is a dream that the Lord has placed in their hearts but they just don’t know where to begin, how to make it happen, how to overcome their fear and lack of resources.

And the Lord has placed a burden on my heart to help others achieve their God given dream – whatever that might be. Do you dream of becoming a missionary or artist, to start a ministry, a business? What is the dream that the Lord has placed in your spirit that the world needs and the Lord desires to use to advance His kingdom? I want to share with you what I’ve learned. I want to give you the tools to become and to do whatever it is God has called you to do for such a time as this.

We must remember that each of us are called for a purpose, one only we can fulfill. When we fail to achieve that purpose the people that are assigned to us suffer because we are not walking out the will of God in our lives. I’ve been guilty of it, but no more.

If you’d like to learn how to achieve your God given dreams, if you want to be powerful and impact the world for Christ through ministry, business, the arts, education, entertainment – whatever the Lord has called you to, but you need a little support, some information, a sister to pray with then I’d love to have you join me for a free teleseminar on Tuesday, Dec. 1, 2009 at 8:00pm.

Spaces are limited so email me at, you’ll be added to my mailing list and receive my monthly newsletter, The Calling, slated to launch next month. You’ll also receive all the registration materials for my teleseminar on Dec. 1, 2009, which will help you achieve your calling by going with what you got!

Every person that signs up will receive a free Naima MP3 and my newest digital educational tool - 4 Things That Keep You From Achieving Your God Given Dream!
It’s my heart’s desire to see you walk into the fullness of your destiny. Hope to talk with you on the Tele-Seminar.

Until then, looking forward to helping you achieve…. Your Calling!

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