There are some words that most people would not use to describe me, painfully shy and fearful. These two words have dictated my existence so strongly that on occasion I have not been able to function. How can that possibly be? I travel hundreds of miles singing for the Lord for a handful or a few hundred. And me, shy? I have learned to make myself talk to people I don’t know. Why? Because I know that I am called to do a greater work, to introduce the Lord to those who don’t know Him and to encourage those who feel lost and broken.
From the moment I was born, singing has been my life’s dream. I cut my teeth on the arts, acting, dancing, music and writing and I have longed to use these artistic gifts for the glory of God since I became a Christian in my mid-twenties. But even before I became a Christian, I was so fearful to pursue my dreams that I missed opportunities, never took chances and stayed silent when I should have spoken out. Before I was even called to sing for the Lord, the devil worked to destroy my confidence so that by the time I came to know the Lord I still was fearful to pursue my artistic dreams for His glory.
But not anymore! I’ve spent the last year doing all types of things that I would never do because it made me fearful. I recently auditioned to sing the National Anthem for the Jacksonville Suns, I was so scared, I made myself sick, but by the power of the Lord I did it anyway. Last year I entered a showcase sponsored by the Christian Women in Media, I didn’t win the grand prize, but I did make the top ten! And this year, I have decided I won’t hold back, anything and everything that I’ve dreamed of doing, that the Lord gives me the go ahead to do, I am going to do. Fear will have no place, because God has not given me a spirit of fear, but of power and love and of a sound mind.
So many times we let fear, or lack, or age or doubt keep us from the victory that the Lord has in store. I’ve had to develop the tools to break past these limitations and truly trust in the Almighty God who believes in me more then I believe in myself. Come on over to the blog on May 20th, June 1st, June 16th and July 1st and check out my series on the 4 Things That Keep You From Achieving Your God Given Dream. There is much work to do, let’s not let our selves get in the way of God’s perfect will for our lives!
Don’t forget to visit the blog at to follow a special series on 4 Things That Keep Your From Achieving Your God Given Dreams!

How You Can Support Us!
As you know we are in ministry fulltime and we are always seeking ways to grow the ministry, meet the needs of others and be of service to the world. Each month we are going to offer a special product for a special price for our newsletter readers! This month, we are offering my book, Confessions of a Big Girl for only $12.00 including shipping! If you'd like an autographed copy, send $12.00 to! Or give the office a call at 937-367-4303 and we can take your order over the phone!
We Need Your Shoes!
We are collecting shoes for the Haitians that live in abject poverty on the sugar cane plantations in the Dominican Republic. Want to donate a pair of shoes? Email me at for instructions on how you can donate.
How Can I Serve You?
Planning a women’s ministry event? Interested in a house concert or special music for your church event? Need a guest worship leader? Please contact me, I’m now taking requests for bookings for July through December 2015 and I would love to be of service to you. Send me an email for more info or to discuss details.
Many Blessings! Now go out and achieve your calling!