I have been seeking the Lord in mundane places. Waiting with
expectancy to see His glory in every aspect of my life no matter how
unimportant it may seem to others.
Sometimes my molehill is my mountain, and yet He is still concerned.
Pushing myself to see past my own limitations of faith and believe Him for
things so great that the impact produced can only to be attributed to the God I
serve. I am tired of forgetting to see
His glory in the beauty of everyday life, a passing cloud, a sleeping puppy, my
husband’s smile. I am longing to see His
majesty displayed in ways I have never experienced, to see supernatural
healings, people raised from both the physical and spiritual dead, to see His
very glory descend and lead as a pillar of fire. He is the same, so why do we expect Him to
act in ways different then those described by the very book we profess to live
our lives by?

To get the deepest parts you must be guided by the Holy
Spirit, relying on the forgiveness of your sins through the death, resurrection
and intercession of Christ Jesus. To get
there you must know that your Abba Father in Heaven has a good plan for you and
you can trust Him to bring you to the completion of this plan in His perfect
timing. Nothing will beset you on the journey that you and the Lord can’t
handle together. In darkness He is Lord,
in mourning, He is comfort, in life, He is everything. Going deeper means giving everything back to
Moving away from the shore of safety, stepping out of the
boat to walk on water, praying long and praying big – that is going
deeper. Moving quickly to obey,
forgiving all the wrongs that have been done unto you, loving without
condition, that is going deeper. Serving
with a pure heart, committing to Him to spend everyday of your waking life in
an earnest effort to be made over in His image is going deeper. Knowing beyond
a shadow of a doubt that big dreams beget big prayers and big prayers require
big faith and big faith produces big answers, that is going deeper. And truly understanding that service to
humanity in His name requires big answers to met big needs and that it is noble
to relentlessly pursue such God given dreams.
Offering up your own life as a living sacrifice for His desires for you,
content to know that one day this dream of a life will fade and you will open
up your eyes to the true reality of everlasting life with Him. That is living in the center of His will, the
expectation and execution of these lovely endeavors are the meaning of going
I felt an urge in my spirit to ask Sherri Ohler to listen to
the song that I wrote that has become my anthem and paint a portrait of my
heart’s cry. This beautiful rendition
captured in living color of the song, Deeper, is the result. I am so thankful that she agreed to share my
passion and pursue the capture of going deeper in her own artistically anointed
way. What a blessing it has been to see
it come to life!
Through a winter of setbacks, heartbreaks, challenges and
valley living, I have found myself clinging all the more tightly to
Christ. If times of challenge and great
stress are required to go deeper then I am willing to go. I so desire to live in the center of His
will. I so desire to hear well done good
and faithful servant. My prayer for you
is that you will be blessed by the song and be blessed by Sherri’s
offering. I hope it inspires you to lay
your burdens down, shake off what needs to be shaken and let the Lord do a work
in your heart. Come to Him if you are
weary, come to Him if you have joy, come to Him to commit your life and see His
beauty not only in the normalcy of life but in the glory of His miracles. Come with me as we wade into the water, in
search of the deepest parts of the riches of His grace…
Blessings to you!
To obtain a free MP3 download of the song, Deeper, for a limited time: visit www.noisetrade.com/Naima
To learn more about Dr. Naima Johnston Bush’s music and
ministry or to purchase a copy of the Deeper Print by Sherri Ohler for $18.00 visit:
To learn more about The Deeper Project, and to partner with
us to complete the CD visit: www.gofundme.com/Naima
The Artist
The Artist
Ohler - Madly in love with Jesus, and forever
aesthetically driven, Sherri Ohler’s calling as a Christian Artist and self
taught gourmet Baker, begins
with her earliest childhood memories filled with coloring books, fresh boxes of
crayons and beautiful pastries from her Italian grandmother’s kitchen.
A diehard romantic, Sherri’s work is filled with
whimsical, emotional & spiritual depth that speaks to the heart of the
onlooker in such a way that brings joy & comfort beyond the expectation and
scope of ordinary decoration.
Her inspired work is now internationally licensed and she
has the wonderful blessing of working with companies like DEMDACO & Dayspring,
which is more than her grateful heart could ever hope for. She prays continually for Holy Spirit
driven creativity, love & joy, and is thrilled to have the opportunity to
serve you through her art, products, redemption stories and creative passions
throughout her shop, blog, speaking engagements and soon to be first book.
For More information on Sherri visit her online at www.sherriohler.com
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