2014… what a year of trials, valleys and rocky places, I am
so thankful that I made it over with my faith and my strength in tact. And it seems that I am not the only one who
had a year that left them just a bit battered and bruised. But let’s not rehash
it, let’s shake it off and move forward with our faces lifted towards the sky,
standing on the promises of the Lord.
The New Year is a time to set your resolutions, personal,
ministry and business goals, mapped out an in depth action plan. Every year I toil over my personal goals,
spend hours making a map, figuring out the plan, and every year I come up
feeling like I fell short. I pass through the same places and feel like I’m
making no difference.
But not this year… this year is the year of no goals. I actually started talking to Jon about this
several months ago sharing how depressed I felt when I hadn’t actually arrived
where I thought I should arrive.
The Bible tells us in Habakkuk 2: Then the LORD answered me
and said, "Record the vision And inscribe it on tablets, That the one who
reads it may run."For the vision is yet
for the appointed time; It hastens toward the goal and it will not fail. Though
it tarries, wait for it; For it will certainly come, it will not delay.…
Well, I’ve written my vision for 2015 – To use music and
education to lift up the name of Jesus so that all men may be drawn unto
Him. I’m not setting any goals, I’m not
making any elaborate plans, I am simply going to wake up each morning and ask
the Lord, what would you have me do today?
Now I’m not suggesting everyone take this approach, I think
goal setting is good. Goals give focus and direction. When accomplished they bring great motivation
and personal satisfaction. So do set
your goals. But for me, after years of
not seeming to meet my personal goals, I’ve come to realize that either
something is wrong with the goals I’m setting, my approach is incorrect, or my
goals are simply that – my goals, not the goals that the Lord has designed for

I’m off on the adventure of a lifetime, and there will be
plenty of updates, so come share in the mayhem and let’s lift up the Name of
Jesus. No goals on paper, just a desire
to follow where He leads and bless those He puts me in front of.
What do you think of me not setting goals this year? I’d love your prayers and feedback, drop me a
note either via email or leave me a comment on my blog page or my Facebook page
– www.facebook.com/ministryofnaima I’d love to hear from you and I’d love your
Don’t forget to pick up a copy of my new book – Lessons FromThe Back Seat (Or How I Learned To Be A Wife) from Amazon!
Planning a women’s ministry event? Interested in a house concert or special
music for your church event? Need a
guest worship leader? Please contact me,
I’m now taking requests for bookings for 2015 and I would love to be of service
to you. Send me an email at naima@ministryofnaima.com.
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